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Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 13 дек 2021, 20:31
Спасибище большущщее !
Мне травить некого, все уже отравлены :lol: , но с точки зрения остаться в живых при синтезе, когда промежуточное или продукт близки по структуре вами описанным, очень интересно. Алкиламмониевые соли - классика межфазного катализа, иногда без них ну никак. А тут смотрю, "кони двинуть" нефиг делать. Так что, как говорят в ненавидимых мной соцсетях, "пешы есчо" .

Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 18 дек 2021, 07:45
А карбомоил-оксим, который формируется при реактивации АХЭ, подавленной карбаматом, тоже быстро гидролизуется в теле, как и фосфорил-оксимы, или нет?

Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 18 дек 2021, 09:37
Угу. Карбамилированная АХЭ сама гидролизуется водой со временем, там реактиваторы и не требуются. Требуется терапия холинолитиками, противосудорожные и ИВЛ, если надо.


Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 29 дек 2021, 11:57
Draco Malfoy
Souran писал(а):
18 дек 2021, 09:37
Угу. Карбамилированная АХЭ сама гидролизуется водой со временем, там реактиваторы и не требуются. Требуется терапия холинолитиками, противосудорожные и ИВЛ, если надо.

Ага. Интересно.

Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 28 май 2022, 03:36
GaryN писал(а):
04 фев 2020, 07:35
Очень интересно, спасибо за статью.

Известно ли что-то о неком веществе, имеющим аббревиатуру MEDETFK*? Такая аббревиатура мне встречалась в статье https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/4806515 ** ,
на форуме Roguesci, и на старом форуме Chemister, однако никакой больше информации я найти не смог.

В реферате также упоминается некий антидот для отравления ФОВ- N-5 (T). О нем тоже мало что написано.

* MEDETFK- скорее всего напрямую транслитерированно с его аббревиатуры на болгарском языке.
** IMFF, упоминаемый в статье, скорее всего- зарин, или
изопропил метилфосфонофлуоридат, как он называется на болгарском (Izopropil metilfosfonofluoridat, или IMFF в сокращении, если транслитерировать), а PMFF- зоман.
Я откопал полную статью, однако в ней тоже никакого уточнения насчет того, чем являются вещества МЕДЕТФК и Н-5 (Т). Эх, какая досада. https://imgur.com/a/c3QjzyX

Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 28 июн 2022, 17:12

Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 17 сен 2022, 09:57
Про запахи. Открываю ПУБХИМ. Нахожу VX. Раздел нумбер 3.2.3 Odor - "odorless". ОК, раздел нумбер 3.2.12Odor Threshold:
Half of a group of subjects smelled VX at a concentration of 3.9 mg/cu m. When two different stabilizers were added, the odor was detectable at 1.9 and 1.0 mg/cu m. However, the odor was not clearly described.

Odorless, Agent GF is reported to have a sweet or musty odor of peaches
3.2.13Odor Threshold
Has an odor threshold between about 10.4 mg/cu m and 14.8 mg/cu m

Almost odorless in pure state. Weak fruity odor
3.2.17Odor Threshold
At a concentration of sarin under 1.5 mg/cu m, 8 of 15 people noted an odor, but gave no good description of it and did not think they would recognize it again.

Evolves odorless gas
When pure: fruity odor; with impurities: oil of camphor odor
Aromatic odor of camphor
Will have an odor similar to rotting fruit; with impurities may have a camphor-like smell
Вывод. Никогда не верьте болтунам, рассказывающим, что: "Боевая химия не пахнет". Это вранье. Все, что вверху, это высокоочищенная боевая химия. А та, что применяется, "техническая" - пахнет дай боже. А уж бинарные вообще за три версты воняют.

Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 17 сен 2022, 14:20
Не помню, было нет, но тут копался в "залежах", нашел такое жифотрепещущее описание отравления офицера медицинской службы на Дагуэйском полигоне в 1952 году. Описание интересно как самим подходом военных к тому, чем они занимаются (вне зависимости от страны и времени), а именно подход "Слабоумие и Отвага", а также мощью даже такого старого и далеко не самого токсичного вещества как зарин.
The morning of November 7, 1952, was cloudless in Tooele, Utah, with a slight chill in the air. From the north, wind whispered across the Dugway Proving Ground, a vast Army facility in the Great Salt Lake Desert. A jet sped across the sky. Its wing tanks were filled with a hundred gallons of sarin—a colorless, odorless nerve agent many times more lethal than cyanide. The pilot had been ordered to spray the deadly chemical over a target site in the remote proving ground, but at 8:29, before the mission was completed, the aircraft malfunctioned. Its tanks, still filled with ninety gallons of the nerve agent, were jettisoned at two thousand feet. When they smashed into the salt-encrusted earth, they burst, spreading a high concentration of sarin across thirty-eight thousand square feet of desert. For the purpose of the test, the chemical had been tinted with red dye. When an Army inspection and decontamination crew rushed to the scene, it found the area suffused with a scarlet mist. One crewmember was so severely poisoned that the Army decided to study him; no American exposed to the chemical had ever come so close to death.

The Army crew that raced toward the test site after the tanks fell was made up of six men: two safety personnel, a two-person decontamination team, an aid man, and a medical officer. They drove up to the contaminated area in an ambulance. When they stepped out onto the desert they were all wearing gas masks, except for the medical officer—the report gives only his initials, J.A.—who ignored advice from his colleagues to take precautions. Three hours after the tanks had catapulted to earth, J.A. led the crew toward a crater filled with liquid sarin. Without wearing any protective clothing, he stood less than ten feet away from the crater’s edge. The wind brushed against his eyelashes. He began to feel lightheaded. Within ten seconds, J.A. clutched his chest and bolted for the ambulance. He called out for a gas mask as he stumbled forward, staggering with one arm reaching out. As he got to the car, he collapsed.

Before J.A. was rushed to the hospital, a dose of atropine, an antidote, was quickly injected into his thigh to combat the drug-induced disruption to his nervous system. He let out high-pitched screeches and low gurgles. He started convulsing, and then he became limp and unresponsive. He was given more atropine. His face relaxed, and he lay still, staring vacantly ahead. The aid man couldn’t find an arterial pulse. J.A. turned blue. According to the report, his breathing sounded like growling.

J.A. was rushed to an Army hospital where he was placed inside an iron-lung-type respirator. His breathing slowly began to improve. The blue color of his skin turned to an ashen gray. He involuntarily grabbed his throat, so his arms had to be restrained. In two hours, “he began to speak in a halting but intelligible manner,” his medical report stated. He was removed from the respirator and the report notes that he “appeared alert and oriented, although he complained of severe malaise.” His eyes were sensitive to the light; merely reading was painful. But, about three and a half hours after his initial exposure, J.A. “had essentially recovered from his poisoning.” That night, while he slept in his hospital bed, his mouth was dry; whenever he tried to take a drink, he immediately vomited. But by his third morning in recovery, he managed to read the Sunday comics without his eyes hurting.

In the following days, J.A.’s brush with death became a blurred memory. He could remember only the giddiness that he felt as he stood at crater’s edge looking into the red pool.

Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 17 сен 2022, 20:18

Код: Выделить всё


Re: Химическое оружие

Добавлено: 22 сен 2022, 11:02
Nerve Agent GP. На боснийском (или сербском, запутался).

https://www.academia.edu/31804481/Synth ... in_Serbian_